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Residence charge

Residents pay a monthly residence charge for their right-of-occupancy homes. Research has shown that the residence charge is lower than the market rent level. The residence charge consists of two components.

Residence charge 1 covers the costs of the specific property. Residents can influence these costs, which include heating, water, electricity, and property maintenance.

Residence charge 2 covers Vaso’s costs. These costs include the repayment of principal and interest on loans taken out to build properties, marketing and management costs, repair provisions for periodic maintenance, and the costs of services put out to tender at the company level, such as property management, insurance, and broadband connections.

Residence charges are reviewed annually. Reviews are announced at least two months before the new residence charge takes effect. Vaso’s reviews have been moderate and based on actual costs. Additional information is available from the property manager and at the residents’ meeting. The new residence charges take effect on 1 January.

Due date
  • The residence charge must be paid on the second business day of each month.
  • The due date cannot be altered, but you can pay late.
  • You will be charged EUR 5 for payment reminders, sent on or around the 20th day of each month.
  • Penalty interest for late payment is billed separately twice a year.
  • The rate of penalty interest is the statutory rate.

ALWAYS use the reference number when you pay.

  • E-invoice address: 003708318523 / DABAFIHH
  • You can order e-invoices or direct payments using your online bank.

Your payment details are in OmaVaso. You can also request payment details by emailing You should handle e-invoice and direct payment agreements with your bank.

The residence charge includes a 100 Mbps DNA broadband connection and, in most locations, a parking space. Different properties may set different prices for parking spaces, regular sauna times, and other residence charges.

What is a value-graded square metre?

The residence charge is based on the value-graded floor area.

  • The value-grading coefficient compensates for differences between housing units of the same size on the same site caused by factors such as construction costs and the different locations of apartments within a building. In practice, the value-graded floor area of a housing unit is calculated by multiplying the net floor area by a value-grading coefficient for the specific unit. The calculation is performed during construction.
  • The value-grading coefficient is determined according to the size and location of the housing unit. The calculated building costs decrease as the size of the unit increases. The value-grading coefficient provides a better division of the company’s costs to reflect the construction costs. The value-graded floor area of a small unit is larger than its actual floor area. Correspondingly, the value-graded area of larger units is smaller.
  • The location affects the comfort of living: apartments on lower floors are more affected by noise from the floors above and stairwells. Apartments on upper floors have better views, but residents on higher floors use the lift more than those on lower floors, so the running costs of the lift affect the value grade. (Source: Wikipedia)

Water charge

Water is billed according to the number of people. The water charge/advance is EUR 20 per person. Most of the properties have water meters. In this case, the water consumption is reviewed, and a bill or credit note for the balance is sent two to four times a year. The water advance on the Soininen property is EUR 15 per person per month.

Water billing
  • On properties with water meters for each housing unit, the water consumption is reviewed 2–4 times a year, and residents are sent a bill or credit note for the balance accordingly.
  • Balance invoices are sent according to the municipality where the property is located. As a general rule, meters are read at the following times:

Turku:                   31.5. and 30.11.
Kaarina:               30.6. and 31.12.
Lieto:                    30.6. and 31.12.
Raisio:                  30.6. and 31.12.
Naantali:             31.3., 30.6., 30.9., and 31.12.

  • Bills are sent to customers the following month. For example, in Turku, they are sent in June and December.
  • In Naantali, balance bills are also sent for electricity, for which no advance payment is charged. For this reason, bills are sent 4 times a year to stop them from becoming very large.
  • In some cases, it is possible to bring forward or postpone the billing date.
  • It is a good idea to notify Vaso of changes in the number of people in your home to avoid accruing a large bill ( or via the OmaVaso message service.
  • Bills for the water balance (and electricity bills) are primarily sent as e-invoices and direct payments if the customer has an e-invoice/direct payment order.
  • We will send bills by post if there is no e-invoice/direct payment order. If a resident is using the OmaPosti service, the bill will appear in the service on the day it is sent. The delivery time for a posted bill is about one week.
Credit notes in water billing
  • Excess water payments are primarily refunded to the resident’s account by the due date stated on the credit note (two weeks from the date of the note).
  • Please send your account number to Vaso in writing via email to or via the OmaVaso message service.
  • Remember to notify us if your account number changes.
  • The refund can be deducted from your next residence charge if you prefer.
Credit notes in water billing when using e-invoicing
  • Online banks send credit notes to a different place than bills for payment. The exact practice depends on the bank. Customers say the credit notes have been sent to e-invoices/incoming invoices/archives.
  • Please note that mobile versions of the online bank may not show credit notes.

Electricity bill

Residents make their own electricity contracts on most of our properties.

Note: you do not need to make an electricity contract for the following properties in Naantali:

  • Haikarinlinna, at Haikarinkatu 6
  • Kauppilanrinne,at Palomäenkatu 7
  • Keijulinna I ja II, at Keijunkuja 1, Linnavuorenkatu 14
  • Orkonkatu 7, at Orkonkatu 7
  • Sinipiianrivi, at Linnavuorenkatu 14
  • Suopellonrivi, at Suopellonkatu 2
  • Tammistonpuisto,at Haikarinkatu 7
  • Tiroli,at Alppilankatu 10

On these properties, Vaso bills residents according to their electricity consumption. Bills are sent four times a year.